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Vision Statement

At Lindsworth School we believe that every child matters.

The vision and model for Lindsworth School is acknowledging that an exceptional education will provide a rich and empowering experience which produces success through wider and academic outcomes and where ‘success’ is defined in terms of the individual learner Lindsworth School is dedicated to the creation of an education with no boundaries,

Our aim is for pupils to have the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.

We believe that this can be achieved through consistency, high care standards and the provision of a broad and balanced curriculum."Within education everyone has the need and indeed the right to be given the opportunity to develop their intellectual, social and physical skills to the highest level they are able to achieve.

Every pupil now shares the right to a broad and balanced curriculum including the National Curriculum. All people should have the chance to establish satisfactory social and working relationships by understanding, empathising with and relating to peers and other members of the community.

Lindsworth accepts pupils who have failed in one or all of these areas of development and our role is to provide an environment which will help them readjust, regain or build self-esteem and be able to claim their place in society.

The following aims of Lindsworth School are to create a framework within which we may shape our objectives to achieve this. To recognise that we should respond positively to a changing society, being mindful of the multi-cultural aspects of our City and the country in which we live; the rapid technological development and the equality of the sexes.

To encourage the pupils to develop skills of self-discipline, co-operation and responsibility thus promoting endeavour, initiative and self-confidence.

To be ready to re-assess aims and objectives as circumstances change and new situations develop. Any decision to pursue an objective should be viewed in the light of overall aims, which it should reflect.
If this is not the case, then there should be clear reasons for the diversion. Our Pastoral Mission Statement  encourages pupils to recognise and accept the individual differences that exist between people, thereby respecting the integrity of every individual.

To help pupils to understand their world and the inter-dependence of individuals, groups and nations.
To encourage pupils to feel that they are full members of the school community.
To ensure that every pupil has at least one member of staff who knows them well and regularly has time to talk over matters of concern or interest.

To attempt to engage the interest and support of parents/carers in a mutually constructive partnership.
To create a safe environment within which pupils may feel secure so that they may discover self-discipline, tolerance and self-confidence. Curriculum Mission Statement to have four main elements of the curriculum: balance, breadth, depth and continuity - including the National Curriculum. 

To ensure that all pupils are exposed to the following essential areas of experience: 

To ensure that the material presented to the pupils:
is capable of stimulating their curiosity
allows for recognition of the difference between truth and falsehood
distinguishes between fact and feeling
activates emotional responses
generates the ability to sustain an argument and to tackle problems in a creative way.
provides for different learning strategies
develops an awareness of communal and individual lifestyles
develops an awareness of numerical processes

To encourage an awareness of the dangers of ignorance.
To ensure flexibility and relevance for the pupils, being mindful of their needs and interests, as well as the demands of society at large. 
To take proper account of the society in which we live and the need to prepare pupils to take their places in it. As a residential school, the opportunity to prove throughout the whole day or week for the furtherance of these aims is limitless. 

With the pupils at Lindsworth, there is a need to relate to the child as a person and not to their behaviour. It is important that we attempt to structure learning goals so that they are achievable as both short and long term objectives. This 24-hour curriculum should provide each individual with a relevant personal and positive experience of the opportunities at Lindsworth.