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Lindsworth School is a Birmingham City Council residential special school with capacity for 140 pupils; ranging from Yr 4 – Yr 11. There are up to 12 places in our Residential Unit. The cohort of Lindsworth School reflects the social, ethnic and religious diversity of Birmingham and includes a small number of children from neighbouring authorities. 

The school caters for children with complex special educational needs, including Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Attachment Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Conditions, which impact on their Social, Emotional and Behavioural responses.

At Lindsworth School we only take pupils on roll who have an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP).  

Pupils can join us from KS2, Secondary Transfer onwards up to Year 10. 

Lindsworth School receives all referrals for prospective new pupils from Birmingham SENAR.  A decision as to whether Lindsworth School can meet a child’s needs is made through an evaluation of the information received from SENAR based on the following:

  • the placement is appropriate to the child’s needs
  • their admission is compatible with the interests of other pupils at the school
  • and there is an efficient use of the LA’s resources

This is then followed by a visit to their current school and their home to ascertain whether we believe that our school can meet the individual needs of that child.

Lindsworth is not able to offer places to children unless they have been referred through Birmingham SENAR.  

As soon as Lindsworth School agree that they are able to meet the pupils needs, parents/carers are invited to attend an informal meeting that will have been pre-arranged with the Admissions Coordinator. Pupils who join us in KS2 or for Secondary Transfer will have two ‘taster’ days organised in July when they can come into school for initial baseline testing and a general introduction to the school takes place. 

Admission to Lindsworth School can take place throughout the academic year. All in year transfers will have a bespoke induction package created which is specific to each of the pupil’s individual needs.

Places will be offered if there is a vacancy at the school and if the school can meet the child’s educational needs.

If you would like any further information before your child starts at Lindsworth please contact the school on 

Tel : 0121 693 5363