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Alternative Provision

At Lindsworth School we believe that ensuring a dynamic curriculum is in place to meet the individual needs of our pupils is vital to enhance pupil outcomes. As a result our school offer may incorporate the use of Alternative Providers (AP’s). The use of AP’s not only offers flexibility and the ability to offer a broader curriculum but also supports the school’s ambition to create independent learners, who are prepared for their transition into post 16 and to enhance their ability to successfully thrive in the wider society.

As a school we usually, only source providers who feature in the Local Authority’s Alternative Provision directory.  The use of AP’s has enabled our school this year to offer a broader range of courses at KS4 for example:

  • Landscaping
  • Motor vehicle
  • Construction 
  • Gaming
  • Music Technology

In order to establish a clear framework for partnership work with these providers, each provider is required to sign a Service Level Agreement (SLA). As part of this SLA, Lindsworth School will undertake Quality Assurance visits yearly to ensure the quality of education available to our pupils at these AP’s is at least as good as that on offer for the courses delivered on our school site.

Pupils may attend AP from one to five days a week and bespoke packages are agreed with pupils and parents/carers and are implemented in order to best meet the needs of our individual pupils.

Whilst attending any AP pupils remain on roll at Lindsworth School and their progress, which includes; behaviour, attendance and academic outcomes is monitored closely by school. We have a dedicated member of the Pastoral and Support Team who maintains close working relationships with the AP’s and monitors the progress of our pupils. This member of staff will visit the AP’s and our pupils at least fortnightly.

For those pupils who attend AP for one day a week as part of their option subjects in year 11 they will have a member of the PALS team accompany them each week. This will continue until the pupils, parent/carers and school are confident that the pupils can manage independently at the AP’s. The school aims for  pupils to become independent on these one day a week courses by the Spring half term. This process will support the year 11 pupil’s transition into post 16.