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Parent Area

AllAboutSchoolLeavers research shows a huge 80.75% of school/college students say that their parents help them make key career decisions.

Being a parent is a juggling act and knowing everything about careers on top of everything else? Don’t panic, there’s some great websites out there that provide all of the answers.

A careers conversation with your child can make a big difference and sharing your own story can help. You possibly have some contacts who could offer a work experience, or provide some feedback on a CV for example. Use the resources at your fingertips to get started and contact your school Careers Leader for more information

Education Options

There are a variety of educational routes available to students when they leave Lindsworth School. Click on the links below for more information.

Careers Pathways Post 16 after GCSE’s –



Types of Jobs

Students who have a vision of where they want to be in the future may find it easier to plan their next steps more easily. To help students and parents to get an idea of what types of jobs are out there we would suggest looking at a number of these websites:

Gatsby Benchmarks

The Gatsby Benchmarks set out a framework for schools to deliver ‘good careers guidance’ to their pupils. The eight benchmarks are a framework for good career guidance developed by the Gatsby Foundation to support schools in providing students with the best possible careers education, information, advice, and guidance.

Careers Program

Below you will find an overview of how students will receive careers education during their time with us: