It is if you feel hurt because individuals or groups are:
It is bullying if you feel hurt because of things said about your ethnic background, religious faith, gender, sexuality, disability, special educational need, appearance or issues in your family.
Lindsworth School does not tolerate bullying. This is what we do about bullying:
What should you do?
Talk to someone you trust and get them to help you take the right steps to stop the bullying.
If you feel you are being bullied:
If you are a victim of cyber bullying:
We recognise the increase in the area of cyber bullying. The following advice will help to keep you safe:
1. Always respect others
Remember that when you send a message to someone, you cannot see the impact that your words or images have on the other person. That is why it is important to always show respect to people and be careful what you say online or what images you send. What you think is a joke may really hurt someone else. Always ask permission before you take a photo of someone. If you receive a rude or nasty message about someone, or a picture, do not forward it. You could be assisting a bully and even be accused of cyber bullying. You could also be breaking the law.
2. Think before you send
It is important to think before you send any images or texts about yourself, or someone else, by email or mobile phone, and before you post information on a website. Remember that what you send can be made public very quickly and could stay on line forever. Do you really want your teacher or future employer to see that photo?
Think about the information you have in the public domain. Be careful who you give your mobile phone number to, and consider whether, for example, you should remain a member of a network where people are treating you badly.
3. Treat your password like your toothbrush
Don't let anyone know your passwords. It is a good idea to change passwords on a regular basis. Choosing hard-to-guess passwords with symbols or numbers will help stop people hacking into your account and pretending to be you. Remember only to give your mobile number or personal website address to trusted friends.
If you have been bullied:
When you are talking to an adult about bullying be clear about:
If you find it difficult to talk to anyone at school or at home, ring the following number:
ChildLine - Freephone 0800 1111
This is a confidential helpline. If you are hard of hearing you can use the textphone 0800 400 222. You can also write to Freepost 1111, London Ni OBR. The phone call or letter is free.