Welcome to KS2

At Lindsworth School, our aim within KS2 is to deliver a high quality, engaging curriculum that allows learners to achieve their full potential and be able to feel confident when taking the next steps in their educational journey and beyond.

Pupils have flourished under our ethos; developing their social skills and confidence through appropriate challenges in lessons, positive promotion of respect and tolerance in school and opportunities for enrichment activities outside of school, including rock climbing, swimming, team building activities, circus skills and therapeutic horse riding lessons.

Our key goals include:

A safe and positive learning environment, where pupils feel secure in being able to express themselves.

  • A learning environment that promotes respect, tolerance and equality.
  • Developing social skills through a range of different experiences.
  • Achieving successful outcomes based on the individual needs of our pupils.
  • For pupils to be proud of both their own achievements and those of others.
  • Students benefit from smaller class sizes and have fully trained adults to support their learning needs, both academic and social and emotional.

What do we include in our curriculum?

In KS2, our thematic cross curricular approach provides different challenges and learning opportunities for our pupils. Learning is interlinked, encouraging pupils to learn and apply different skills across a range of lessons and tasks. We aim for all students to be interested in the world around them and develop a love and enthusiasm for learning. Lessons are tailored for individual needs and we teach within different environments, including forest school and educational visits that link to each topic.

KS2 Curriculum Plan:  [ Download

Why is reading so important to us?

Reading is crucial and has many benefits for children, from inspiring the imagination to improving academic abilities and being able to access the curriculum within primary and secondary school education. We believe that all children should be able to read fluently and be able to enjoy reading for pleasure. Reading improves children’s vocabulary and language skills as well as expanding their understanding of the world.

In key stage 2, children read to a member of staff each day. All children receive reading lessons that are taught through reciprocal reading strategies and teachers read a class novel to the children, modelling fluency and enjoyment of reading. We also read across the curriculum using interesting and engaging texts.

Reading interventions – Rapid Reading and Rapid Phonics

We understand that some children have missed education and as a result are not able to read at their expected age. In order to support these children we follow interventions to bridge gaps in learning. We follow the DFE accredited Rapid Phonics and Rapid Reading scheme, which is a fantastic collection of finely-levelled fiction and non-fiction books, also available as eBooks, covering a variety of topics and themes that children love. This strategy is implemented throughout the school and we have a dedicated member of staff within each year group to support all our children - from key stage 2 up to year 11- if support is needed.

Reading is crucial and has many benefits for children, from inspiring the imagination to improving academic abilities and being able to access the curriculum within primary and secondary school education. We believe that all children should be able to read fluently and be able to enjoy reading for pleasure. Reading improves children’s vocabulary and language skills as well as expanding their understanding of the world.

In key stage 2, children read to a member of staff each day. All children receive reading lessons that are taught through reciprocal reading strategies and teachers read a class novel to the children, modelling fluency and enjoyment of reading. We also read across the curriculum using interesting and engaging texts.

Reading interventions – Rapid Reading and Rapid Phonics

We understand that some children have missed education and as a result are not able to read at their expected age. In order to support these children we follow interventions to bridge gaps in learning. We follow the DFE accredited Rapid Phonics and Rapid Reading scheme, which is a fantastic collection of finely-levelled fiction and non-fiction books, also available as eBooks, covering a variety of topics and themes that children love. This strategy is implemented throughout the school and we have a dedicated member of staff within each year group to support all our children - from key stage 2 up to year 11- if support is needed.

How do we cater for all our children’s needs?

In KS2 we understand all children are at different stages of their education and have different needs at different times. In order to support our children we offer the following strategies to support their mental health and emotional wellbeing;

  • Zones of regulation 
  • Movement breaks
  • Emotional literacy 
  • Art therapist 
  • Music therapist 
  • Sports mentor

What you can do to help at home

Parents play a crucial role in supporting their children’s learning, and levels of parental engagement are consistently associated with better academic outcomes. Evidence suggests that effective parental engagement can lead to learning gains of +3 months over the course of a year. In order to support this we encourage our pupils to read as much as possible.

Books of interest will be sent home to encourage pupils to read with parents, rewards and incentives will be given to children to celebrate success. We will also send key spelling words home for your child to practise so that they can be successful within literacy lessons.

Download  [ Spelling words end of year 4 ] [ Spelling words end of year 6

Maths: As a school, we have access to online platforms that allow learners to develop all aspects of their numeracy skills, including Times Tables Rockstars. Using these at home can only help your child progress further in Maths.

Interesting  Websites


TT Rock stars


Hit the Button

BBC bitesize KS2 Maths - BBC Bitesize

Nrich   Sumo | NRICH (


Phonics play    PhonicsPlay - Resources

BBC bitesize   KS2 English - BBC Bitesize

Book Trust

Open Library

Project Gutenburg



Scratch   Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (

Topic Games  Games - KS2 History - BBC Bitesize

Moon camp

Lindsworth School KS2 
Mixed year 5/6 
Long Term Planning 2021 - 2022
Year 5/6 Autum 1 Autum 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2
Topic  Hola Mexico Fallen Fields Blood and Heart Water Horse Off with her Head Scream Machine
Entry point  Culture Workshop Museum in A Box Think Tank trip  Visit to local butterfly farm / Nature centre (Cannon Hill) talk on insects   Visit to Manor House – Bournville Visit to Drayton Manor Theme Park Forces workshop and Park
Exit point  Mexican Cafe Shadow Puppet Theatre Dissecting a heart / Creating mechanical books SATS Life in Tudor Times film – Green Screen Visit to Drayton Manor Theme Park Forces workshop and Park
Text Film ‘Coco’ ‘Where the Poppies Grow’  Hillary Robinson ‘The day the Crayons Quit’ Drew Daywalt Water Horse  Terrible Tudors
Tudor History
A Shocker on Shock Street (Goosebumps)
English Recount Film review of Coco Story Narrative Non-Chronological report
Explanation text - How the body work
Letters, discussion text
SATs preparation Reading comprehension and analysis of text / inference Recount facts files Newspaper article Discussion or balanced argument Debating / Discussion text linked to online content
Grammar  Capital letters 
Full stop 
Verb, Noun and Adjective 
Proper nouns Figurative language 
Main Clause Independent clause 
Relative clause 
Relative pronoun Parenthesis
Parenthesis (dashes, commas and brackets) Semi colons 
Modal verbs 
Words and phrases to build cohesion
Passive voice 
Noun phrases Determiners 
Words or phrases to build cohesion 
Homophones and near homophones 
Suffix and Prefix Passive and active voice Perfect form of verbs Sentence subject and object
Verbs in the perfect form 
Passive and active voice
Synonyms and antonyms 
Suffixes Prefixes Subjunctive in passive sentences (eg If I were, Were they to…) 
Simple past and simple present 
Maths Place value 
Number – addition, subtraction, division and multiplication 
Geometry position and direction
Measurement: perimeter and area Ratio Statistics 
Geometry: Properties of shape 
Geometry: Position and Direction Measurement – converting units Recapping areas of learning – Gaps 
Science Living things and their habitats Properties and changes in material Animals, including humans 
Instructions and Procedures links to writing
Light Electricity Medieval manoeuvres
Topic Geography 
Amazing Americas 
Locational knowledge- counties and cities in the UK 
Human and physical – developing a new world  
WW1 Time lines 
Comparing life then and now
D & T 
Mechanical books 
Place knowledge 
Sketch maps 
Local geography
Tudor history 
Crimes and punishment
Life then and now
Future technologies Programming – Fairground 
Art Observational drawing and shading skills – Science  Art lunchtime club 
Clay modelling Arts/craft 
Poppies Xmas globes
Arts Award Arts Award Arts Award 
Tudor portrait artists
Arts Award
Design Technology Cooking
Mexican cooking
Pancakes – Rationing 
Breakfast Cakes 
Christmas Baking 
Create an interactive book using levers 
Pop up features Sensory objects 
The Day My Body Quit
Art Award 
Music Christmas Carols  Changra Music  Changra Music 
PE Basketball Tennis Football Dodgeball Striking and fielding Striking and fielding
RE People of Faith  Christianity  Pilgrimages 
Links to geography
Buddhism Food and Fasting  The Bible
PSHE Digital Well-being  Diverse Britain  It’s My Body  Money Matters  Be Yourself  Growing up 
Loud Mouth Education Theatre 
ICT (use of laptop trolleys) Spreadsheets Desktop Publishing  Photo editing  Computer systems  Video editing  Programming 
Enrichment  Yoga 
Footy Bugs 
Circle time 
Lunch time Footy Bugs 
Ski lesson 
Trampoline park 
Christmasmas Trip Snowdome 
Lunch time Footy Bugs
Rock climbing 
Lunch time Footy Bugs
Horse riding 
Lunch time Footy Bugs 
Llama walk 
Lunch time Footy Bugs 
Lunch time Footy Bugs 
Educational visits Lego Discovery Museum in a Box Think Tank Yr5 & Yr6 residential 
Manor Hall 
Drayton Manor 

In our KS2 unit we believe strongly about starting interventions as soon as possible so that the young people can learn about self-regulation, self-confidence, anger management, social skills and much more. 

All pupils in KS2 participate in weekly circle time and social skills, anger management, Forest School therapy and celebration assemblies.  We also offer individualised interventions such as mentoring, self-esteem, art therapy, Malachi mentoring and anger management. 

In KS2 we offer a varied enrichment programme. Our aim is to help our young people build resilience, social skills and social awareness, as well as learning new skills and strategies to help self-regulate all whilst having fun and new experiences. 

Our enrichment programme includes 



Forest School

Horse riding and therapy

Rock climbing




A big aim of ours in KS2 is to recognise gaps in the young people’s learning history and build bridges to support that. Many of the pupils joining us have gaps in their educational knowledge and their curriculum knowledge, particularly in key skills. We run daily interventions to support this using Froggy Maths, Rapid Reader and Rapid Phonics as well as differentiated learning, interventions and support.