We aim to develop over time during KS3 a number of areas:
The curriculum is planned to develop the key skills, knowledge and techniques to make the necessary progress towards KS4. We aim to make our key stage 3 programme of study exciting and original and this will impact significantly to make GCSE options more popular and the creative industry more attractive as a career choice.
Art Craft and Design KS3 is a three-year programme of study and is implemented from the national curriculum guidelines. It is delivered by specialist teachers. Our curriculum is reviewed every year and adapted to meet the needs of our pupils and reflect the strengths of the staff delivering the curriculum. Changes are implemented throughout the year when they are needed.
Arts Award Bronze Level 1 qualification
We deliver the Arts Award Level 1 qualification. We start the delivery of the award at the start of year 8 and we would expect some pupils to complete this by the end of year 8. Pupils who complete most of the award by the end of year 8 will have the opportunity to complete this fully in year 9. We aspire to ensure all pupils are given the opportunity to gain an art qualification in Key Stage 3.