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  • KS3 Geography

    Geography at Key Stage 3 is about helping the students’ learn about their local and global community. Pupils will have the opportunity to become proficient in map reading to explore key social, economic and environmental issues in today’s society whilst evaluating how to manage these in a sustainable way.

    Pupils are assessed through formal assessments, written class work and participation in the lessons.

    Geography at KS3

    In Year 7, pupils begin to develop map skill, explore the UK and the wider world: completing a project on the Tropical Rainforest or Antarctica.

    In Year 8, pupils learn the processes of how the UK has been shaped, through topics such as rivers and coastal areas. Pupils learn how Geography relates to social issues such as Crime and Tourism. Pupils also focus on China as a case study and investigate the culture, population, industry and landscape.

    In Year 9, pupils study many topical issues such as Aid and Global Fashion. Britain’s population is investigated with regards to the issues facing society and how these compare to other nations. Pupils also compare the causes and effects of natural hazards on rich (MEDC) and poor countries (LEDC).